With The Fourth of July coming soon, let’s talk about pup safety and care. Preparing in advance for the day, and even week will help make your Australian Labradoodle feel safe and secure. Snacks, enrichment toys, and different locations in the house can benefit your furry friend during this time!

Preparing in advance for the week is the best and easiest way to keep your dog happy during this stressful time. The loud fireworks, big groups of people, and crazy environment can make for a scary time. Preparing by getting different enrichment toys can be a great thing for them to be able to focus on the task at hand.

The second way to prepare is to talk to your guests ahead of time! Letting them know you have a pup who may be nervous can help them come into the house quietly and calmly. This allows your Australian Labradoodle to feel at ease with the crowd.

Next is getting different snacks for them! Feeding them different healthy snacks throughout the week can excite them during the celebrations on The 4th of July. Foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, cheese (in small amounts), and melon with no seeds make for great treats.

Finally, ensuring your furry friend feels safe in the house is critical. Making sure their crate has a fresh blanket with toys can be a great spot for them to retreat to, as well as closing windows and doors to limit the noise coming in and out. Lastly, make sure wherever your dog goes, it is clean and has all the things above in reach (besides the snacks) to allow them to be happy and less stressed!The Fourth of July is an exciting time, but making sure your dogs are taken care of and not stressed will make them happy and excited as well! Have fun and be safe during this time! 

4th of July