What does it mean to feed your Australian Labradoodle creatively? Why does it make a difference? How would I come up with ideas?

Some may believe that the important thing about feeding your puppy is how much they receive and the quality of food. These things are important for sure! The health and development of your puppy is key! So what food you are using is very important to give them as well as you do not want them to overindulge or be under fed as these both have consequences.

Here at Ashford Manor we know that Australian Labradoodle puppy’s develop at a very fast pace. They fully mature in size and temperament before they are a year old. That means a lot needs to happen in that first year. What we start out here is crucial as well as what continues when they go home.

It is logical that all pups need their moms. They need them to nurse for nourishment, for comfort, and to teach them various skills those first few weeks of their lives. More often than not a mom will tell her pups that once they get teeth they need to learn to be careful how they use those teeth. Generally this is about the time they are ready for other sources of food as well.

Once pups have enough teeth to eat hard kibble this is when the changes start happening in the way they eat here at the Manor. Puppies who are always fed from a bowl will expect to be fed from a bowl and that is the only way they know. To eliminate this we feed with bowls on some meals, other time  with following our hands, then with following the food in our hands over obstacles, putting wet kibble on various objects, with snuffle mats, kong wobblers, treat puzzles, and so much more! 

It is amazing to see a 7 week old puppy using their nose to find food. By teaching them to use their nose helps with developing dogs that are good little detectives. They can smell things because they are learning to use their nose in more ways.

By learning to follow food and not just stand to eat teaches them that when you want to train them they cannot just have treats, but they are rewarded only for doing something. They have already associated wanting the treat with having to do something for it. This helps training so much easier! We call this a working for food drive. There are some pups who are more interested in praise than food or treats. In these cases we use praise instead of the food or treats to get them to learn new things such as sit, down, and leash walking.

We recommend not feeding from a bowl but once a day. Use your kibble as well as praise and treats for training. Sit in the kitchen with kibble in your hand and feed your puppy out of your hand having them wait between kibbles. You will see they will learn to sit without ever using the word while they wait patiently for their kibble. It is amazing how much of a great start just feeding from your hand can be.

Get a variety of puzzles, snuffle mats, and a Kong wobbler. Watch your little puppy try to figure out how to get their food. It is amazing! This helps challenge their brains so they can continue to be quick learners. Start putting three cups out and  hiding kibble under one cup, watch how quickly your Ashford Manor Labradoodle learns to go to the correct one. Place a trail of kibble and have your puppy follow it. Use a muffin tin and place some kibble in each slot and place a ball over the kibble. Watch how your pup moves the balls to find their food.

Cheryl Sabens

Ashford Manor Labradoodles

Australian Labradoodle Breeder in Indiana
