There are many reasons people get puppies. Some people want companionship, somebody to walk and hike with, to help with anxiety, because they have always had a dog and they miss them, and so many more reasons why! Dogs can be such a delight, or they can be very annoying! Some of these character qualities depends on breed, temperament, or training. 

There is a lot involved and it does take hard work from you as a new owner. Puppies left to their own will undoubtedly get into some trouble as with any of us if we have to much free time! You can get the best puppy of the whole group and still not have an amazing dog! 

At Ashford Manor we put a lot of hard work into each and every puppy. We are watching for how they are doing in many areas encouraging areas they need to do better and praising areas they excel. Constantly teaching pups new ways to experience life. 

We do this by exposure, encouragement, and more exposure. When pups come into the world they cannot see and cannot hear well. This takes the first several weeks of development! Wow, a lot is happening that we cannot even see! When their eyes are open and they can hear more than muffled sounds we start playing music of all kinds, then we introduce sounds, then we have music and sounds playing all at the same time. 

Around the third week of life they are starting to get up and wobble around on their legs. By this time they have already had to crawl over siblings, toys, mom just to get to feeding time. We use a variety of different toys for them to already begin experiencing textures and shapes. 

By the time they are 8 weeks old and ready to begin a new life with your family, they have met many people of all ages. We have them meet quiet people and very loud people. Hear gun shots, airplanes, thunderstorms, vacuums, kids crying, tantrums, and so much more. 

Whew, that is just the sound part of our days! We have pups experience the grass, rocks, soft blankets, hard objects, uneven surfaces, cold things, warm places, different types of flooring and crates. These are just a few things we have our puppies do at Ashford Manor Labradoodles to get them ready for your home.

Now is the time your puppy goes home with you. It is not possible for you to continue to do all the things we do every day at the Manor. What is important to continue to do to have an amazing Australian Labradoodle?

It is important to continue taking your dog on car rides. Just quick trips as well as a little longer rides. Expose them to life outside your home. Take them on walks in your neighborhood as well as in other neighborhoods. Have them walk in the grass, on the concrete, on blacktop (that is not to hot), in sand, on dirt. Teach them to wear boots to not damage their paws with hot surfaces, snow, ice, fertilizer, and ice melt. 

Ask friends if you can visit their homes with your puppy. Every home has a different smell, sounds, and even textures! Take them to the park and meet new people.

Wear a hat inside and outside, use an umbrella, put on a rain coat. Ask the delivery driver to greet your puppy. Keep exposing your puppy to your world and then expand both of your worlds a little. 

Cheryl Sabens

Ashford Manor Labradoodles

Australian Labradoodle breeder in the Midwest
