Sounds, Textures, and More

Sounds, Textures, and More

  There are many reasons people get puppies. Some people want companionship, somebody to walk and hike with, to help with anxiety, because they have always had a dog and they miss them, and so many more reasons why! Dogs can be such a delight, or they can be very...
Potty Training Made Easy!

Potty Training Made Easy!

Potty Training Made Easy I have not met a person who was not concerned with how potty training a new puppy will go. Everyone is at some level concerned about this issue, and rightfully so. After all who wants to be cleaning up pee and poop in the house?  Here at...
What Makes an Ashford Manor Labradoodle different?

What Makes an Ashford Manor Labradoodle different?

With so many different Australian Labradoodle breeders out there how do you know the difference? There is also a variety of prices that play in the decision-making process. So how is someone to choose who to go with in this very important family member who will...
The importance of brushing teeth

The importance of brushing teeth

As many of your know dental hygiene is very important when it comes to you and your Australian Labradoodle. Just as humans have tooth decay, so do dogs. A daily brushing is essential for healthy teeth. Some people use Greenies  (we do not recommend using...
Eating Habits of your Australian Labradoodles

Eating Habits of your Australian Labradoodles

Summer Heat Affecting Your Dogs Eating? Have you ever played outside in the summer for too long and lost your appetite? In hot weather, your body is already working hard to keep you from overheating, and it doesn’t need the extra heat from digesting a big...
October 2023 Photo Contest Winner

October 2023 Photo Contest Winner

Congratulations to Kevin and his family, you are the winners this month! You will be receiving your special gift in the mail! Now that you have won….please don’t submit your puppy again, we want to give lots of other pups their time in the spotlight! Again...