What Makes an Ashford Manor Labradoodle different?

What Makes an Ashford Manor Labradoodle different?

With so many different Australian Labradoodle breeders out there how do you know the difference? There is also a variety of prices that play in the decision-making process. So how is someone to choose who to go with in this very important family member who will...
Leptospirosis In Dogs

Leptospirosis In Dogs

So your dog is out running around the yard or maybe you are on a walk and your pup is exploring, while doing so, they can pick up microorganisms like fungus or bacterium called Leptospira. They can be found in soil or water, and they can make your furry friend...
4th of July Fireworks Safety

4th of July Fireworks Safety

Fireworks Safety For Your Dog It is that time of year again that many dogs and dog owners do not like! Here are a few things to remember in keeping your dogs healthy and safe through another holiday season. Fireworks Keep pets indoors Don’t bring dogs to firework...

Australian Labradoodle Puppy at 5 weeks

5 Week Old Australian Labradoodle Puppies! Wow, it is hard to believe that these beautiful Australian Labradoodle Puppies have been with us for 5 weeks already! The next 3 weeks are a whole lot of changes! They begin going outside today, they will experience different...