Socializing your puppy is so important!!!

Dress Up4222It is important to make sure your puppy continues to be socialized once they are brought into your home. Here at Ashford Manor Labradoodles we work on socializing everyday throughout the day. Different puppy wranglers come in to work with the puppies and expose them to many different things like:

  • Kids crying
  • Doorbells ringing
  • Washer and Dryer operating
  • Dishwasher running
  • Cabinets opening and closing
  • Things falling on the floor
  • Wearing sunglasses, hats, coats
  • Having umbrellasDryer

These are just a few of the things that our puppies experience from the time they are old enough to understand. We also have puppy party’s where people come and play with the puppies. As you can imagine it is a big work out for a small Australian Labradoodle puppy! This is just one of the ways we work on socialization here.

Find out how you can continue socializing your puppy on our podcast. During this pandemic, we have an extra podcast with more socialization tips as well.

Cheryl Sabens

Ashford Manor Labradoodles
